About Us![]() The meaning of our name is a play on words as well as a big salute to Canada for being unique, letting things roll off your back. We use “Eh” in place of the “A” reserved for the best egg cartons. Actually, our “Eh” is reserved for the best practices when it comes to the Canadian way of producing goods and services with the highest quality possible and always keeping in mind the sustainability aspect of the goods being produced. (And having a little fun as we go along with our day.)
We are a small preservation farm that specializes in rare breed, imported and heritage chickens in Canada. Our primary focus is quality dual purpose breeds. We have a variety of rare and heritage chickens and eggs for sale. As we are a traditional family farm, aside from chicken preservation, we do offer heirloom vegetables, pet-related products and natural herbal remedies. We also offer artisan chicken for the table. We are first and foremost a preservation farm so we take care of live chick and chicken orders before meat bird orders. This is the sustainable and ethical way of doing business that we have chosen. Please know that our chicken for the table requires more attention than the ones you find in the store. We are a small farm that only has the capacity to do small batches at a time. For live chicken, chicks and hatching egg orders, we can ship, deliver or meet-up depending on your location and your preference. Unfortunately due to bio security concerns, we limit visitors in our farm to just a few friends and family that don’t own birds. When you run a family farm like ours, you realize more and more that the quality of life and what you do with it are what count the most. This applies to how we raise our chickens and how we grow our crops. We treat our chickens with utmost care. They are not simply commodities like in industrialized poultry facilities. Can you think of any coop that has solar panels and radiant heat? Ours do.... The chickens are free to roam their designated fields around the farm. They voluntarily go to their coops at night. Bedding and the chicken fertilizer are cleaned frequently from nesting boxes and coops. The chickens’ diet consists of a true pasture diet supplemented with natural or non-GMO egg layer crumble (no meat). We also feed them non-saleable veggies that come from our fields, as well as fresh apples and plums from our trees. Fresh water, feed, and scratch at several locations. Truly a wonderful cycle of life. For our crops, we can proudly say that everything is grown with love, care, and attention. We don't use harmful pesticides. We don't use chemicals to increase our productivity. Nothing beats fresh and all-natural right from the ground. It took a lot of will-power and determination to do everything in the traditional and all-natural way. Picking weeds by hand involves a lot of long days and perseverance. They say when you do what you love it’s not considered work. Ha! Was probably golfer speak, eh? When everything is healthy, natural and sustainable, you know it's home. Welcome back to the way things were. A bold statement of a lost era. Welcome home to Grade Eh Farms! Sincerely,
Please see our blog about:
Meeting ExpectationsLooking for Fresh Pastured Chicken?
"I plow the untilled upland, I ripe the seeding grass, And fill the leafy forest With music as I pass. Bliss Carman |